Shrewsbury Business Chamber meet with our local MP Daniel Kawczynski

Three members of the Shrewsbury Business Chamber met with local MP Daniel Kawczynski to discuss matters that affect our members. SBC Chair Kevin Lockwood, SBC Vice Chair Jenny Osborne and Charles Howell, Chair of the SBC Current Issues & Lobbying Committee were present. Carol Foster Senior Assistant to Daniel was also on the call. The meeting was held via zoom. Issues discussed included North West Relief Road, Flood Alleviations (River Severn Partnership), electrification of the Shrewsbury to Wolverhampton rail line, redevelopment of the Shrewsbury Shopping Centres and the Future Fit NHS reorganisation.

SBC meets through the year with the MP and various Council officials to help highlight issues that affect Shrewsbury area businesses.

Learn more about Daniel Kawczynski at

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Shrewsbury Business Chamber,
Livesey House,
7 St Johns Hill,