Business Training
Scroll down the page to see both one-off courses as well as on-going longer term training opportunities
Business Courses provided by Government Funded organisations or Member Businesses.
Please contact the provider directly for more information as these courses are not run by Shrewsbury Business Chamber

Level 2 – Distance Learning Courses – Shrewsbury Colleges Group
Funded courses, subject to meeting certain criteria are offered in 22 level 2 NCFE CACHE Courses, in Health and Business Subjects.To find out more, if your are eligible or to see the wide range of courses on offer click below.
Our NCFE/CACHE courses range from 4 – 16 weeks in duration dependent on the number of modules per course and learners may enrol throughout the academic year, but may only complete one course at a time due to funding.
Click here to learn more

Part-Time Courses
Shrewsbury Colleges Group
Shrewsbury Colleges Group have a large choice of part-time day and evening courses, no matter what your goals are whether you want to retrain, gain professional qualifications to develop your career, get back into education or learn something just for fun. These classes include a wide range of subjects from AAT and Bookkeeping to Spanish lessons to basic plastering to introduction to plumbing. Some students qualify for having all tuition, exams and material fees funded by the government.
Click here to learn more

Functional Skills Courses in Maths & English
Shrewsbury Colleges Group
The College offers free functional skills Maths and English Levels 1 and 2. Students must be over 19 yrs and meet some other criteria to be eligible.
The courses are designed for distance e-learning study. Learners can access their course in the workplace, at home or anywhere they have an internet connection. The course can be accessed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, making it the ideal course for most workers and/or those who would struggle to attend a classroom-based course.
On average it takes 3-6 months to complete the course and exams. Learners are allocated a personal tutor who will support them through their course and prepare them for their exams. Contact with the tutor is via email, telephone or 1:1 sessions on Teams. After successfully passing their exams, learners will receive a City and Guilds certificate
To learn more about eligibility click here

On-going funded programme for 50yrs+ age group
who have a small business, start up business or about to start.
Silverpreneurs® is a co-operative of business experts and has been set up as part of a drive to boost Shropshire’s economy by tapping into the skills and experience of older people who have small or start-up businesses and pay council tax or business rates to Shropshire Council.
Silverpreneurs® will provide a structured programme of support, ideas, information and inspiration for those aged over 50 who are setting up or revitalising their business enterprises.
The exclusive new service is fully funded by the Marches Growth Hub Shropshire
For further details please visit the Marches Growth Hub Website