Excitement as Shrewsbury Business Chamber unveils the first 2020 events.

Upon the success of the first networking event of the year: an Evening with Mandy Thorn; the Business Chamber are excited to reveal to members and supporters what events are in store for the upcoming months.

On Wednesday 19th February, members will be invited to the University Centre Shrewsbury, where Professor Tim Jenkins, Head of Group Arts and Humanities will be providing a talk about how the University has progress from when it opened in 2014. With a focus on economic growth he will be talking about the University’s plans for 2020 and the years ahead. 

In March, our networking event will be at the Origins restaurant at SCAT on London Road, where we will be welcoming one of the department store managers from the Shrewsbury Shopping Centres to give a retail perspective on how business has been for the town.

In April, we will celebrate the historical significance of one of landmarks in the town which has undertaken substantial renovation over the last few years and it set to be open to the public in 2021. This will be a detailed tour and a presentation for what will be a night to be remembered.

The theme for our May networking event is tourism, which will be taking place on Sabrina Boat. We have invited a significant contributor to tourism in Shrewsbury to attend and giving a thought- provoking talk. 

Our events are promoted on our website: 


Members may attend the event for free as part of their annual subscription to the Chamber. Guests and non-members may still attend for £10 each which covers the cost of administration and catering. 

We look forward to seeing you at one of our events in the future.

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Shrewsbury Business Chamber,
Livesey House,
7 St Johns Hill,